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� Osteiod: an improved 3D cast!
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You might recall hearing about
Cortex. Cortex is a new 3-D printed cast that is water resistant and is customizable for each person. Cortex takes a 3-D scan and an x-ray of the broken hand or other body part. Then they create a 3-D model of the cast and 3-D print it. Each cast is customizable because it is 3-D printed. Their casts are very open and light. They are also, small and less noticeable than their plaster cousins. I imagine that people could request different colors of the cast once the idea takes off.
Well just recently
Deniz Karasahin designed a new version that adds a new feature an ultrasound system. The ultrasound system helps heal bones up to 80% faster.
Picture and research from
http://www.3dprinterworld.com/article/3d-printed-exoskeleton-could-replace-traditional-casts http://www.theverge.com/2014/4/18/5628818/3d-printed-cast-concept-uses-ultrasound-to-heal-broken-bones https://www.adesignaward.com/design.php?ID=34151
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