

Re-blogged by Formlabs!

Unknown | 2:57:00 PM | 0 comments

Well, this is exciting.  Earlier this spring, Sam blogged about his "3D Printing Test" at the San Mateo Maker Faire. Armed with a flashdrive containing an STL of our eggshell scan, he and his comrades visited a number of 3D printing companies, and persuaded them to do prints for comparison.

While Formlabs admits they are not in the K - 12 educational space yet, they were excited about what our kids were doing.  (You can see Sam fits right in with the Formlabs staff in his ever-present orange shirt.)

Well, Formlabs apparently enjoyed the post and wrote that they "think your post is really great, and wanted to feature it on our own blog."  We were, as you might imagine, very happy to agree!

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