

What is 3D Hubs?

Unknown | 4:50:00 PM | 0 comments

Objective: Learn about a resource to 3D print your model ans well as help you connect with other 3D Printing enthusiast.

Do you need a 3D Printer?

While the idea of owning a personal 3D Printer sounds cool, for most people it is not really ideal. The main reason is because most people will not use the 3D printer enough. Even if you had models to print for a month 24/7, after the first month your 3D printer is going to sit there. Therefore the idea of sharing a 3D Printer or using a public printer is a great solution.

3D Hubs

One way that you can find a 3D printer that you can use is through a website called 3D Hubs. This is a website where people with a 3D printer help those without a printer. In other words, it is a local service where people who have a 3D printer accept to print off other people's models. I also should mention that this is on a global scale as they have participants throughout the world. The process is simple:


  • Choice of Printers - because there are many people with various 3d printers, you can choose which printer you want as some printers are better than others. This may mean that you want to print with worse printer because it may be cheaper and you may not need the high resolution of better printers.
  • Distance - Chances are that there is a printer near you, and if not you may be able to have them ship it to you.
  • Ratings - You can see what other people have said about them and their printers.
  • Material - You can choose the color and material.
  • Meet 3D Printing Enthusiasts - You will get to meet other people who you may become friends or even business partners. You can also join the 3D Hubs Community and ask questions related 3D printing and find events


  • 3D Hubs takes a 15% commission on each model, which in my opinion is much too high. I think it should be at least lower than 5%
  • As it is person to person, you may not get a quality print and may have to reslove the issue. See their guarantee here

Sharing your 3D Printer & Making a Profit

So if you own a printer and want to pay off the price of the printer you can sign up on 3D Hubs and start charging people to use your 3D printer. By charging more than it will cost you to print you can make a profit and pay off your printer, assuming you can get enough people to use yours at a competitive price.


3D Hubs is a quick and easy way to get estimates on the price and quality that you can print. I would recommend checking with local schools, libraries, and businesses to see id they have a 3D printer available as well, as they may have the better option for you. Otherwise 3D Hubs is a good method to get your objects printed as it is often much cheaper than online methods. It also has a good social approach to get 3D enthusiasts together and localize a group of friends.

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and as always thanks for visiting,
The 3D Printing Ninja

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