

June 2015 Developments update RepRap 3D Printing - 3DRip 3DRAuto Wax printing Disruptive posts

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Hi Everyone,

It's been a good few months since my last update. And I have been busy with 3D Printing shows, many new developments, investigations and lots, and lots of testing.

I'll have a lot more to share soon, just the usual problem of time to edit images, write them up and post...

I'll get posted the first of a series of articles on one of my new 3D Printer developments - 3DRip (drip) - It's a low cost experiment with a Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCoS) based 3D Resin RepRap 3D Printer.

A few pictures to get across the idea -

Projector is mounted inside the base of the unit, making for a very small printer that's self contained.

LCoS Projector (HD) optical engine (less than $100) - Fitted with a 5W Ultraviolet 365nm LED

Test print for UV exposure testing.

- Mixed and Multi-Material printing - 

Another big project has been the evolution of 3DRAuto this is a machine that can automatically change tool-heads and print with many and mixed materials. A big and complicated project. But a lot of fun.

Version 1 Prototype, it's now on version 3... (And it looks nothing like the above printer now :)
Lots more on this during the summer months.

- WAX - 
And I got really deep into wax printing during the winter. Really interesting stuff. I made a heated cover for my big 100ml Syringe extruder, and tested many different types of wax, and then mixed and filled wax composites. I now know much more abut wax than I ever imagined possible.

So many different types of wax, some are as hard as concrete!

You may have missed some of my more recent posts - Over on the Disruptive Website - Do take a look, they are fun, hopefully interesting and all part of my further developments in 3D Printing.

A few from earlier this year to get you started -

First up is Totally Puzzled - I have always been fascinated by handmade puzzles, my farther used to make some exquisite designs from exotic woods, sadly I don't have a single one of them, just photographs. I would really appreciate them now...

Another post was my Test drive of 3DShare - (anything goes!) - And on that note, the site has a lot of stuff you will not find on any other 3D sharing site, I'll let you discover the wide variety of models and designs. It's certainly getting popular. 3D Share have also sorted out the Licensing and other bugs I spotted mentioned in the blog post.

And one more for now - My thoughts and comments from the first few 3D Printing shows of the year, - Standing out on the 3D Printing desktop - Who and what technology is standing out or leading the 3D Printing future?

Thanks for reading, and do get in contact if you have any questions or comments.

Back again soon.


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