

Creative Licences and Displaying Models at Shows

Unknown | 8:16:00 AM | 0 comments

We learn about Creative Commons in school but big 3D printing companies don't seem to comprehend it. There have been a lot a cases of big 3D printing companies stealing a design from a small 3D designer. This issue was first discussed at 3DPI in October 2012, when Dizingof first had his designs used without his consent by Tri-Tech 3D and PP3DP. They have apoligized and have given recognition to him. 

This entire situation was started when designers started offering free designs on sites like Thingiverse and GrabCad under a Creative Commons attribution non-commercial license. Big 3D printer companies have been violating these licenses. The only way people can try to stop them is using social media because big 3D printing companies have enough money to fend off your (small-time) lawyer when you issue a DMCA.

Recently, Makerbot contacted us about an opportunity to showcase student designs at the upcoming ISTE conference. but assures us that "Your school/student would be credited with a plaque." Nicely done.

Also, on Thingiverse, you are given the option to "give a shout out."  With a click of the button, you can get a tag to print (see image below) to give credit where credit it do.  (In Creative Commons land, we call this attribution.)

- by Sam (newly 8th grade)


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