

3D Model of the Advanced Light Source

Unknown | 2:12:00 PM | 0 comments

This summer, I returned to the Advanced Light Source (ALS) at Lawrence Berkeley National Labs to continue my work from last summer.  (Who would have guessed that a simple 2013 summer internship would have led to a successful student field experience, ribbons at the Maker Faire, and an invitation to the White House?!)

Anyway, last year we noticed that visitors to the ALS had the option of building their own model of the building:

Build your own ALS by constructing a papercraft version of the ALS. The 3-D model of the ALS can be made quickly with only Scotch tape and scissors, and when completed, the top tilts off to reveal the beamlines and accelerator under the dome. The model and instructions can be downloaded here; heavier paper (i.e., #80 or #100 paper) is needed to print pages 3-6 (the actual building parts).

While the BPC Maker Club certainly appreciates the power of tape, cardboard and duct tape, we also love 3D printing! We wondered if any other light source had a 3D model.  We found one,  based on the Diamond Light Source near Oxford in the UK.  It is pictured below and the stl file can be downloaded here.

But that wasn't enough for us.  So, recently-graduated BPC alumnus Cole C took on the challenge of creating a 3D model of the ALS.   (It's worth checking out his other designs on Thingiverse, too!)  You can download the most recent file here.

v.1 pictured - download links to v.2

You should feel free to download your own synchrotron model! :)

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