

Failed Print? Here Is a Troubleshooting Guide for 3D Printing. Most Common Errors After 3D Printing.

Unknown | 11:28:00 AM | 0 comments

Difficulty: Intermediate
Objective: If you were so excited to see your finished print only to find that it didn,t print correctly, this blog should help. It covers very common problems and how to fix them.

If the Prezi above isn't working properly, here is a link:

You wanted a flat piece but it curls at the edges. Unfortunately there is not absolute solution to this, there are only ways to limit the warp. The easiest thing is to print an object again with a raft. The rest of solutions have to do with the printer itself. 
Warping occurs due to the change in temperature from coming out of the extruder to room temperature. There fore you can try heating your bed plate or insulating your printer. 

This is due to your printer moving too fast. Simply change the speed in the settings to be slower. 

Bumps on smooth surfaces

Dis colored
This is due to the temperature being too hot and it begins to burn the material changing the color. 

A blob of mess
The material most likely did not stick to the bed plate or the previously printed material. Therefore the printer continues extruding material but also moves the previous extruded material. So in the end it's just a mess and often the extruded is a mess as well. 

Frozen and started melting the object
This is due to when programs crash. For example you may be on Excel and it crashes, then it may also crash the print job. Therefore if you are printing directly from your computer be careful not to do anything that will cause problems. Sometimes even opening a program like the task manager can crash the system. 

The most likely problem is that the material ran out. Hence you should not start printing something unless you have enough material. 

2.)The next most likely reason is that the material got jammed in the extruded. Unload the material and you will probably find rough markings and that the material is thicker in some regions than others. 

The next most common reason is that the system was interrupted. The power went out, the computer was turned off, or the system just crashed. 

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3D Printing Ninja

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