

3D Print Toolbox : A Blender Add-on

Unknown | 6:00:00 AM | 0 comments

Difficulty: Intermediate
Objective: Learn about an excellent add-on to check your models in Blender for 3D printing. The most important check is to make sure your model does not have non-manifold geometry.

3D Printing Toolbox

  1. Install the add-on in Blender called "Mesh: 3D Print Toolbox" by checking the box and then Save user settings.
  2. Be in edit mode of the object. 
  3. On the left hand side window, [T], expand Print3D section.
  4. Input the settings of your printer's capabilities in the Checks section and then push check all.
Scroll down and choose what you want to check. For example I checked where the overhangs are. Now I know where I would need supports.
For 3D Printing the most important checks are:
  • Non-Manifold Edge (Holes)
  • Intersecting Faces
  • Thickness 
These should all say 0 next to them. The other checks such as zero faces, zero edges, thin faces, sharp edges, etc. are not really that important.

    Another Method of checking your model:

    1. Go in Edit Mode
    2. Open up your Properties Window [N]
    3. Check Mesh Analysis and choose the check
    The faces that are colored are the faces that fail the check. The closer the color is to Red, the more of a problem it is. And the more the color is to blue, the less of a problem it is.

    Once again the important checks for 3D printing are:

    • Intersect(ing Faces)
    • Thickness

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    and as always thanks for visiting,
    The 3D Printing Ninja

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