

Blender Curriculum & Video Tutorials

Unknown | 12:27:00 PM | 0 comments

Difficulty: Noob
Objective: If you have never used Blender before and want to know where to start learning how to, this video was made just for you. It was inspired by Tunapanda, whom I will give a shout-out to, and you can find more information about them here:


    These are the video tutorials to learn blender (in recommended order). If there is no link, then that means the video will be uploaded in the near future.

    Intro, Dive In:

    Object Mode:

    Edit Mode:

    1. Selection
    2. Scale, Rotate, and Move
    3. Proportional Editing
    4. Extrude, Delete vs. Dissolve, Merge, & Fill
    5. Join, Separate, and Split Parts (Knife Tool)
    6. Edge Loop
    7. Mirror
    8. 3D Printing Checks
    9. Creating an arm
    10. Curve Modifiers
    11. Grid Fill

    Sculpt Mode:

    1. Brushes
    2. Symmetry
    3. Background Image

    3D Printing:

    1. 3D Printing Tool-box
    2. Measuring


    1. Camera
    2. Lighting
    3. Materials
    4. Textures
    5. Compositor


    1. Simple Animation
    2. Rigging
    3. Collisions
    4. Cloth
    5. Liquid
    6. Smoke


    1. Retopologize
    2. Curves
    3. Arrays


    1. To be Announced

    Additional Materials

    You can download the curriculum and hotkeys for Blender online here: 

    Other Useful Tutorials

    Please leave your comments.

    and as always thanks for visiting,
    The 3D Printing Ninja

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